Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Do We Exist.

"Why does this world exist", "what is the reason behind all this", "Is there something like GOD","why do I even exist" I am sure some of you  would have asked this question to yourself at least once.This question is asked my many of us specially when they are upset or sad, you may have noticed that  this question was being asked by many  since the time humans started to think, and  it is still unanswered.
This question seems to be very basic and simple but I think this is THE biggest question that we ever have faced.

You can say "this Question is just a brain-child of some new age geeks" But we humans have always had a default curiosity and we are always trying to understand our surroundings, the same is with this question people have been trying to answer it using religion, spirituality and Of course SCIENCE.
It is obvious that space science( Astronomy, Cosmology whatever you may call it) is the oldest science as even ancient civilizations had good knowledge of the sky they could see with naked eyes. Gradually as our science kept advancing and we continued to develop we have understood and discovered a lot about our universe  but it seems the more we discover there is always a lot more to discover and the more we understand the more we are left to amaze and wonder.
If you are intreseted in science and like reading about new discoveries and theories than you would agree that new discoveries being made in Cosmology and new theories of Quantum Physics are only adding to the incomprehensibility of our world, take a look at the following examples:-

1-According to Nick Bostrom, Director, Future of Humanity Institute Professor, Faculty of Philosophy & James Martin 21st Century School Oxford University, there are 20% chances that we are living in a "Ancestor simulation" i.e. detailed simulations of simulator's predecessors. According to him Future civilizations will have enough computing power to create an ancestor simulator, detailed enough for computer- generated minds to be conscious and have same kind of experiences/emotions as we have. 
(To read in Details visit the official site of Nick

2:-According to some calculations done by cosmoligist in year 2007/08 there is a strong possibility that our whole world is merely an illusion and we all (our conscoiuness )is just an momentary fluctuation in a field of matter and energy in space.
(To read in detail visit

These are only 2 of many possibilities.No one knows for sure (I guess) that what is the reality but Einstein rightly said "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."
I agree that there is a magical feeling in this mystery.

Perhaps we will never be able to know the reason behind our existance, But who knows may be  there is no reason.

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